Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday Mornings

Saturdays are my favorite, especially Saturday mornings. Whether they are spend sleeping, recovering from a night out or peacefully bumming around, Saturday mornings are always good. Saturday mornings are for pleasure - I do all the lazy things I would feel guilty about doing any other time of the week such as reading magazines in bed until well after midday, having long and extended breakfasts or just mindlessly staring out of the window. There are no pressing errands to take care of or deadlines to meet, Saturday mornings are me-time. This Saturday morning was especially cozy: I had a nice long chat with my flatmate Katie, who was gone for most of the week, sitting in her bed while it was pouring outside.

In contrast to the heavy rain this morning, the weather of the rest of the week has been rather nice. On Tuesday night, friends and I went to get some ice-cream and then went on a walk down to the Pier. The sunset was glorious, but see for yourself.

Tonight I will be going to a Eurovision Party. My friend Sharon sent me this video to get me in the mood.

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